Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Purple velour skirts are not for me

This semester I have the blessing of being enrolled in a "Women's Writers" class..... any by blessing... I mean complete torture. Due to a little scheduling mishap in the beginning of the semester I had to be forced into this class.... For those of you who know me, know that I would NEVER in a million years actually CHOOSE to be in this class... Luckily, one of my rho's is in the class with me and she is my saving grace (what's up HANNAH BIRES!) The whole time her and I can't help but make jokes about the situation that we are both it... Hannah I don't mean to call you out by any means... but did you actually CHOOSE to be in that class? I will have to admit it has been good for me to be surrounded by people that I would never have though I would be surrounded by. Women that clearly have VERY differnet view points on life, and the female role. I am not one to say that women can't do things, but I am not one who would be caught at a womens rights rally... and I feel like, oh more than half of my class would be the leaders of the protest! But I suppose with this being said it is an opportunity for me to ChooseJOY.. I do actually think I am making another friend in the class, her name is Emily (she would have NO idea what my name is... I'm ok with that) and she bites off the skin around all of her fingers... I've watcher her since day one... but I am making process... I made her laugh the other day when I was attempting to take a picture of my proffesor's outfit with my phone... how do I pass up a full length purple VELVET skirt with matching shirt...yea you CAN'T.. totally worth the chance of being caught! Like I said.. making process.

There is something that is truly special when you can look up into the sky at night and having it be a clear night and all you can see are the millions of stars out in the air.... I have a few places in town where I will go sometimes to get alone..The world that we live in is SO fast paced and it is NOT slowing down...I will be the first to admit that I am extremely guilty of being busy all the time.. and going going going and not taking time to do something that we are called to do "Be still.."(Psalm 46:10). What does it feel like to be still? Personally for me it takes me to be completely alone with no distractions... and have something that will focus my attention solely on our Creator... most of the time I will put on a play list that just sings about how Great our God is. It is SO awesome to have the Lord meet you in those times.. if you haven't had the chance to do this lately... try it. Go be alone with our Wonderful Maker tonight, sit and be still..

ChoosingJOY & Being Still,

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