Saturday, February 26, 2011

Today I feel like I'm 80

There are currently two things in my life that I feel like I am in denial of:
1) Getting older
2)I am about to graduate college

I can think of only a few times in my life where I actually can feel like I am getting older... and today is one of them. I actually hate these days, I hate that I can feel my muscles aching, and hear my bones cracking after each step that I take... quite frankly... it sucks. Last night my a few friends and I had the brilliant ida of participating in a 5k... (who wouldn't want to spend their friday night doing this?) but of course we were not going to RUN this thing.. but blade it baby And now as it is nearing the end of the day I have been for the most part non mobile due to the shock and soreness that my body has not felt in months. I guess this is a good thing though... way to rock it GLOW 5k!!!

The weather today has put me in a mood where all I really want is the SUN and SUMMER. I just need it to be ohhh a good 70 degrees with the sun out.. and you better believe the skipping of classes to lay out will begin (sorry dad). A motto for mine in college has been:

"You can always retake a class...but you can never relive a party" 

I hold pretty true to this statement because, yes I may have retaken a class here or there.. do I regret it? Absolutely not. Although graduation is coming just around the corner... like really though, we are about to have spring break and then it will be April.. and then May.. AH! Yes, I'm nervous.. I have to admit I think I have come to a peace where I am just more excited than anything. I am pumped for the next chapter of my life. I truly have NO clue what that is going to look like at the moment, but that is the beauty of it. I know come May I will be moving back to Spicewood,TX for another summer at Camp Travis.. and I couldn't be more thrilled about that one... and when August comes.. WHO KNOWS what is next! and that just gets me so EXCITED! Leaving on such a fun note I will leave you with one of my favorite songs right now!

ChoosingJOY, and lovin' FIREWORKS!

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